

Polydioxanone is used for biomedical applications, particularly in cardiothoracic surgery because it is fully absorbed by hydrolysis within 4 to 6 months & doesn’t create any scar tissue. The foreign body stimulates collagen synthesis & the skin structure created will hold for another 12 to 15 months.

What are the different types of Novathreads?


Used for superficial wrinkles and lines.


Used for defining the lip border, filling and lifting the deep wrinkles or fold, ex: smile lines.


Lifting power with small barbs that “lifts” the skin up and returns it to its original youthful and natural place.

Smooth Threads

Twist Threads

Barbed Threads

Blunt Cannula

Sharp Needle

Blunt Cannula

Blunt Cannula

How do Novathreads work?

A beautiful and healthy face has a “V-shape”.  As we age, this “V-shape” diminishes or inverts. Novathreads create a frame to support the tissues and keep them in the “V-shape”.  Novathreads are especially effective is the neck and jawline. This area is more challenging to treat effectively with Botox or fillers. These threads are placed underneath the skin to lift the loose skin, which heals itself by naturally creating new collagen.

How long do the results of Novathreads last?

NovaThreads are a quick and easy way to get immediate results with long-term benefits. The PDO thread will be absorbed by your body, but that doesn’t mean your skin won’t react to it. During the 4 to 6 months needed to fully absorb the PDO suture, your skin is also repairing itself around it.

That repair process is called “controlled healing”. In medical terms “selective inflammatory response” is the principle behind a lot of aesthetic procedures (such as fractional laser, chemical peels, and microneedling). Our skin is very good at repairing itself, and by inserting Novathreads we make it heal itself by creating new collagen, naturally.

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