

The PRF process preserves the vitality of cells that are undamaged due to a moderate G-Force applied, allowing considerably more White Blood Cells (WBCs) and even Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) to be obtained, maximizing growth factor stimulation.

Key Benefits of PRP/PRF:

How PRP/PRF Works

The magic of your own blood makes this a personal, natural treatment. PRP/PRF may be added to your microneedling or laser treatment and topically applied at the end of your appointment to boost healing and to treat signs of aging to the face and décolletage.

Beyond use as a serum, PRP/PRF may be injected for hair restoration, for visible anti-aging of the skin, or to add volume to areas such as under-eye hollows, the lips, or cheeks (sometimes blended with a filler product).

Both PRP and PRF involve a simple blood draw. Your blood is placed in a specialized vial and spun in a centrifuge which separates the fibrin or plasma from the other blood components and into concentrated layers. The valuable PRP or PRF is then drawn from the vial and immediately prepped for application or injection.

Because we are re-introducing your own plasma back into your body, rather than a foreign substance, there’s no allergic or immune reaction, and infection chances are minimized.

Used as a serum:

At the start of a procedure, your blood is drawn and spun while you are being treated. Microneedling or laser treatments intentionally and precisely wound and/or inflame your skin, making it easily penetrated and ideal for applying the concentrated plasma serum. Immediately your body’s healing process begins repairing tissue, growing cells and producing collagen—all boosted by your own PRP/PRF.

Used as an injectable:

  • As a way to directly boost collagen production and enhance cellular activity which lessens as we age.
  • As a hair loss (scalp and eye brow) treatment, combined with Scarlet RF and InfiniViveMD Exosome Serum, injected PRP/PRF stimulates hair re-growth.

The concentrated PRP/PRF contains:

  • Growth factors – Think of these as keys that unlock the magic within your cells.
    The unlocked cells are “told” to divide and grow and to make more elastin and collagen. Growth factors can also ease inflammation, another way they “de-age” your appearance. After our 20’s, our body produces less and less growth factors, so PRP/PRF adds in what our bodies can no longer produce.
  • Platelets – Healthy, younger-looking skin has great blood circulation and platelets help facilitate this. They also activate collagen and elastin productions which improved skin texture and tone. And platelets are healing – the more in your skin, the faster and better you heal and limit inflammation.
  • Fibrin – A matrix that holds your platelets and other growth factors together.
  • Stem cells – Promote healing of damaged skin cells, initiate collagen production, reduce sun-damaged elastin fibers, promote new elastin formation.

What are the differences between PRP and PRF?

Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP):

  •  Contains 2-5 times the amount of platelets than is typically found in blood
  • Added anticoagulant during the centrifuge process
  • Has been used safely by doctors and dentists for decades to accelerate the healing of wounds and injuries
  • Has more scientific studies on its safety and efficacy

Platelet-rich Fibrin (PRF)

  • Less blood is needed
  • Spun at a lower speed which destroys fewer components and produces a different concentration with more healing white blood cells and stem cells.
  • Contains 10 times the amount of platelets than is typically found in blood
  • Totally natural with no added anticoagulant

Hair Restoration

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is an ideal option for many men and women who are dealing with thinning hair. Over a series of treatments, PRP/PRF can achieve fuller, more robust, healthier hair. 

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